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Halitosis, or severe bad breath, affects 25 percent of the world’s population. But, many more have woken up with the universally detested morning breath.

Shouldn’t there be a cure for this embarrassing condition by now?

There’s no cure because there are too many potential causes. When you know what’s causing your stinky breath, you can fix it.

Luckily, there are lots of different ways to get rid of bad breath. Here are nine tried-and-true methods.

1. Drink Water Often

Your mouth naturally has bacteria that protects the teeth from erosion. But, it also has plenty of harmful bacteria that cause stinky plaque and tartar buildup.

Drinking water is the number one way to flush away that foul-scented bacteria.

Some say you should drink eight glasses of water a day. Others that you should drink half your weight in ounces. Whichever rule you follow, ensure you’re drinking plenty of water every day.

2. Use a Tongue Scraper

Sometimes, brushing your teeth doesn’t remove all the food particles from your mouth. Debris from food, bacteria, and dead cells buildup on the tongue giving it a whitish appearance.

It can also contribute to bad breath.

Using a tongue scraper is a quick and easy way to remove tongue debris. Add it to your nightly oral hygiene routine for long-lasting results.

3. Consume More Probiotics

In some cases, the cause of bad breath is unbalanced intestinal flora. You can rebalance your flora by eating foods high in probiotics.

That includes yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and pickles.

If you don’t have enough digestive enzymes, the food you consume doesn’t get broken down well enough. Instead, it produces a foul odor which travels to your mouth. The foods listed above also promote digestive enzymes.

4. Rinse Your Mouth

Food gets lodged between your teeth and in your gum lines. If you wait until bedtime to brush it away, it sits in your mouth for hours.

Depending on the food, this can cause seriously bad breath.

Even if you don’t brush after eating, you should consider rinsing your mouth. A warm water and salt mixture is an easy go-to mouth rinse.

If your mouth feels dry, that can also contribute to bad breath. You need saliva to wash away bacteria and thus, the scent. Rinsing with water can trigger saliva production to remove bacteria.

5. Take Care of Your Gums

Your gums are delicate parts of your mouth and are susceptible to infection. Food easily gets trapped under the gumline and forgotten about when brushing.

Ensure you take care of your gums the same way you take care of your teeth.

Gently brush along the gumline in small circles. Never brush across the gums with wide strokes as this can damage them.

Flossing is incredibly important for cleaning your gums. Make sure you floss every night to remove any leftover bits of food from the day.

6. Eat More Apples

An apple a day keeps the dentist away, right?

Not necessarily, but apples do help promote good oral health. Chewing the natural fibrous texture of apples can stimulate the gums. They also help remove plaque caught between the teeth.

Plus, apples stimulate saliva production which then washes away bacteria. And, since apples don’t have a strong fragrance, they don’t contribute to stinky breath.

7. Give Oil Pulling a Try

This is an ancient oral health method that isn’t practiced commonly today. But, some say that it does help reduce the smell of bad breath.

Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice in which you hold oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. Most use coconut oil and claim it cleans out the Sulphur compounds found in your mouth.

Some also claim that it can help prevent gingivitis and cavities. It might be worth trying to get rid of chronically bad breath.

8. Quit Smoking Cigarettes

In case you needed another reason to give up smoking or chewing tobacco, here’s another one. Smoking tobacco cigarettes can cause bad breath, among a host of other issues.

Smoking has been known to cause:

  • Plaque and tartar buildups on the teeth
  • Inflamed salivary glands
  • Higher risk of developing gum disease

And, of course, chewing and smoking tobacco can cause bad breath. You can improve your breath by quitting smoking and chewing.

Then, see your dentist to assess the damage caused by these two habits.

9. Maintain Your Dental Hygiene

Part of keeping your breath consistently fresh is maintaining a dental hygiene routine. This includes brushing, flossing, rinsing, and assessing your mouth.

What does assessing your mouth mean?

It means looking for warning signs of infection or disease. Notice if your gums are swollen and red. Are they bleeding?

Notice how your mouth feels. Is it constantly dry? You might notice your tongue turning a whitish color.

See Your Dentist Regularly

If you notice something strange happening in your mouth, see your dentist. You should also have regular cleanings at the dental office.

Most adults see their dentist once a year. This is for an annual cleaning and assessment of your mouth.

People with special circumstances or dental conditions might see them more.

Not only does seeing the dentist regularly help you maintain good breath, but it can protect you from illness. Your dentist can detect signs of gum disease, mouth cancer, and more

Ready to Get Rid of Bad Breath?

If you really want to get rid of bad breath, use the tips listed above. Ensure you’re taking good care of your mouth and teeth. And that you’re drinking lots of water.

The most important tip after having a proper dental hygiene routine is seeing your dentist. Ensure you book regular appointments for cleanings and checkups.

Looking for a dentist in Lakewood, Colorado? Contact the experts at Fermelia Dentistry. Our team of dental health professionals will help you keep your mouth clean and breath fresh.